
I wonder again and again about what love actually means.

Is it being with someone and having a good time everyday?
Or staying no matter what with someone even if it feels like killing you?
Or die together?

But the more i grow up, the more simple and complex love seems at the same time. It can be huge and small.

It's like the smallest particle in our body, the atom of chemical form, the most basic thing, but contribute in so many ways, untill it affects the biggest part of us.

The time you gave, the sacrifice you made, the laugh you bring, good stories you tell, the attentions you share, even the careness you genuinely share. It's come from your heart, in a form of kindness, affects other people's day, other people's heart, stuck in their mind, become a seed and ready to grow. Spread even more and wider than ever in the universe. That's love.

